The Essence of Kakadu Plum: A Natural Blessing for Your Skin

The Essence of Kakadu Plum: A Natural Blessing for Your Skin

The Kakadu Plum, a native gem from the heartlands of Australia, has been revered for ages due to its profound health and skincare benefits. This modest fruit holds the secret to a myriad of skin rejuvenating properties that are nothing short of magical.

The Kakadu Plum is known to be a powerhouse of Vitamin C, a potent antioxidant that plays a pivotal role in combating free radicals which contribute to the aging process. Its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties are a real benefit for individuals battling acne and other skin ailments, making it a coveted ingredient in the realm of skincare.

Besides its rich Vitamin C content, Kakadu Plum is also imbued with essential minerals and antioxidants that promote collagen production, enhance skin elasticity, and render a youthful glow to the skin. Its soothing properties help in calming irritated skin, thus promoting a smooth and balanced complexion.

As the day unfolds, our skin is exposed to various environmental stressors, making a nurturing skincare routine essential. Corindi captures the essence of Kakadu Plum in a range of products suitable for both day and night skincare regimens.

The Vitamin C Serum rejuvenates your skin with antioxidant richness, fighting off environmental aggressors. Likewise, the Vitamin A Serum, Gentle Cleansing Gel, Hydrating Moisturiser, and Balancing Moisturiser each embody the nourishing goodness of Kakadu Plum, promising a skincare routine that revitalises your skin round the clock.


Your journey towards impeccable skin is made serene and effective with Corindi’s meticulously crafted range. Each product, enriched with the purity and potency of Kakadu Plum and other unique plant extracts, is a testament to Corindi’s commitment towards harnessing nature’s finest ingredients.

Embrace the holistic essence of Kakadu Plum with these skin transformational products: 
Vitamin C Serum

Vitamin A Serum

Gentle Cleansing Gel

Hydrating Moisturiser

Balancing Moisturiser